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Challenge / Goal

The existing pedestrian crossings in the peripheral district of Druzhba, in Ruse, are not secure enough and present a high risk for accidents, leading to injuries and fatalities. Most people with disabilities avoid walking on streets, in general, or around the city due to the lack of basic infrastructure. 

The longer-term aim of this measure is to reduce the number of road accidents involving pedestrians and to make walking a safer and more desirable way of travelling in the district and the city. The shorter-term goal is to build safe infrastructure for pedestrians, including people with disabilities.


This measure analyses the crosswalks in the peripheral neighborhood and secures them with LEDs, raised paths, etc. Additionally, cameras for video surveillance will be installed at junctions in the district.

The following activities have been implemented during the measure’s research and planning phase:

  • Planning and research activities regarding innovative solutions for securing pedestrian crossings
  • Meetings with experts in the field
  • Analysis of the crossings available in the district and research into best practice for improved designs with safety and security in mind
  • Identifying the best locations for implementation of the new pedestrian crossings – close to focal points of pedestrian traffic – shopping areas, schools, main roads and streets leading to the city centre
  • Dissemination of the proposed ideas in order to appraise citizens’ reactions
  • Development of technical specifications for implementation

Ruse Municipality performed a contract selection procedure (launched in April 2018) and signed a contract for designing secure pedestrian crossings. After the design phase was complete, Ruse Municipality contracted the necessary construction works. Ruse Municipality saw the construction of at least two innovative, secure, pedestrian crossings as pilots in Druzhba.

Citizen participation

Ruse has collected feedback from people living in the district during meetings and through the mayor’s social media channels. The information received was taken into consideration when choosing the exact spots for positioning the new crosswalks.


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Time period

Implementation time
Less than 6 months


Ruse Municipality; CIVITAS ECCENTRIC

End users

All Citizens

    Main benefits
  • Increasing safety

  • Improving public transport accessibility

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