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Challenge / Goal

Before ioki introduced the on-demand mobility service for employees together with Deutsche Telekom, the shuttles were not efficiently utilised and the Telekom locations in Bonn, Frankfurt and Berlin were not sufficiently connected to transport hubs such as airports or ICE train stations. The predefined timetable limited the flexibility of the employees. Calculating the duration of the journey also proved to be cumbersome without a digital application.


In regard to the challenge of better connecting the various Telekom locations to transport hubs, a shuttle service was designed for the company transport, which is adapted to the needs of the employees. The service can be booked via app and runs without a fixed timetable. Push messages inform users about the start and arrival times. This allows the duration of the journey to be optimally planned. The intelligent pooling algorithm operating in the background ensures optimal utilisation of the vehicles. Passengers with similar routes are automatically bundled into carpools and transported together (ridepooling).


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Time period

Planning time
Less than 6 months

Implementation time
Less than 6 months


ioki GMBH

Service providers

ioki GMBH; Deutsche Telekom

End users

Employees of Deutsche Telekom

    Main benefits
  • Improving public transport accessibility

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