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Challenge / Goal

A survey was conducted in 2018 in which Rivas residents expressed how they wanted to get around. 40% expressed that they wanted to use public transport and 42% by bicycle. But the reality is that most commuting is done by private vehicle (61%). Only 17% commute by pedestrian and another 21% by public transport.

Challenges to address:

  • Encourage active mobility and public transport as the predominant means of transport.
  • Manage the restriction of private vehiclecirculation and parking.
  • Change the urban planning model, pedestrianizing and naturalizing spaces and meeting places.
  • Revitalize agingneighborhoods and vulnerable areas, making them more social, accessible and humanized.
  • Promote energy efficiency and electrification in the use of means of transport.

Low-emission zones in school environments
The objective of this measure is to generate emission-free, healthier and safer school environments for the children of the municipality. Each school will have on its access roads, with two lanes of traffic, a column with traffic lights with double red flashlights that will turn red when the students arrive and leave the schools. In addition, it will have variable messaging panels indicating traffic flow and detours, and a license plate reading system.

BICINRIVAS is the municipal bicycle rental service for public use of the City Council of Rivas Vaciamadrid, which has been in operation since 2011. The objective is to offer a cheap and efficient means of public transport. It needed to be improved as bicycle routes hardly reached many important and relevant sites in the city. Until now, BICINRIVAS had 13 stations and 150 bicycles, of which 30 are electric. According to municipal data, there were 30 trips per day on average before the expansion. On a monthly basis, 900 trips were made.


School ZBEs
The surface area of the intervention was 38.2 ha (382,100 m2) in 19 educational centers. Of those 9, the intervention was carried out in 15 public schools (14 CEIPs and 1 CEIPSO), 3 subsidized and private schools and 1 special education center (CEE).

The actions carried out were as follows:

  • Creation of pedestrian spaces
  • Removal of parking strips
  • Installation of fences to protect the public space
  • Traffic management and regulation
  • Vertical signaling, road markings and beacons.
  • Surveillance campaigns in time cut-off zones
  • Information and awareness campaigns

The parking strip was won, in addition to establishing timetables for street closures. In cases of permanent closures, residents, emergency services and public transport continue to have access.

Consolidation of School ZBEs
Two installations were carried out in the parking areas: paving of the parking strip and installation of tree surrounds, parking and playground furniture. Traffic surveillance and management was automated with traffic lights with double red lantern-type traffic lights that are active during traffic restriction periods, a license plate reading system and a violation management system.

The city of Rivas has experienced growth in recent years and therefore needed to adapt and provide an improved service. With the expansion, BICINRIVAS now has 35 loan stations and 333 electric and conventional bicycles. The bicycles are available for loan to the user 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With the BiciNRivas mobile app, there are several types of loan contracts: contract per use, daily, weekly, monthly or annual subscription. In addition, there is the possibility to reserve a bicycle in advance. The user manages registrations, contracts and loans through the mobile App, which is available on all platforms.

This investment helps the municipality to advance in the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda.

Expansion of the cycling network
The expansion of the cycling network improves the connectivity and reach of citizens to services and places of interest.

BICINRIVAS Data Management
The average number of monthly loans before the extension was 900. After the extension (June-September 2022), the average is 11,958 per month. Daily loans increased

The Municipal APP
In the municipality's mobile app, you can consult the low emission zones, their status and the cut/pedestrianization situation of each school in Rivas. In the app, you can also see any work or affection that will prevent travel.

Other actions

Adaptation of bus stops
The City Council widened and improved the pavement of the main bus stops in the city to increase accessibility to them. The improvements consist of new bus shelters, canopies, benches and all the necessary accessibility measures. These 41 bus stops tend to have higher capacity and are close to health, education, senior citizen and social service centers. Pedestrian safety will be reinforced at these stops and the operation of public transport will be improved, which will be able to avoid the maneuvers that end up slowing down their circulation.

Safe and intelligent bike racks
Eleven smart bike racks were installed near metro stations and points of interest such as libraries and sports centers. Thanks to their remote-controlled security system, bicycles and scooters can be stored without worry, as the system is reinforced with anti-vandalism elements and internal video surveillance cameras.

The installed smart bike racks are compatible with both bicycles and VPM (personal mobility vehicles), i.e. scooters. Each of the smart bike racks has eight spaces for bicycles and two for scooters.

Access control to the bike racks is managed through an application that will be integrated into the city's new app.

Safe and intelligent crosswalks
Crosswalks throughout the city were upgraded. Pedestrian refuge islands were installed. They serve several functions in terms of accessibility and safety. These islands allow a person to take refuge in a safe place while crossing the street. The distance between the sidewalk and the refuge island is 3.40 meters or less if it is in a turning area. These refuge islands are beneficial and useful for people with reduced mobility or those who move slowly.

In addition to providing a safe space to be, refuge islands serve another traffic calming function as the refuge islands give the vehicle driver the feeling that the lane is narrowed. It will therefore contribute to speed reduction.

These crossings will be equipped with an intelligent lighting system to increase the safety of pedestrians in difficult visibility conditions, e.g. at night. The intelligent lighting system features LED projectors with volumetric detectors that illuminate the surroundings more brightly when they detect an approaching pedestrian. They are also capable of sensing the proximity of both a vehicle and a person walking in the vicinity of the crosswalk. Signals are also included that flash to drivers to warn them that they are approaching a crosswalk. After a person has moved across the crossing, the lighting systems will dim again if no vehicles or pedestrians are detected, thus ensuring energy savings.



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Time period

Planning time
1 to 2 years

Implementation time
2 to 5 years


Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council

Service providers

Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council

End users

All citizens

    Main benefits
  • Promoting sustainable behaviour

  • Reducing GHG emissions

  • Reducing local air pollution

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