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Challenge / Goal

The main goal of the MEABTA was to provide an integrated framework for future transport plans in Maynooth. The objective being to ensure that the town grows in a sustainable manner, with future growth focused in areas which are sustainable from a transport perspective. This approach is essential in realising the Climate Action Plan 2023 (CAP 23) targets for transport and preventing "business as usual" car-centric growth. 

Maynooth was a very interesting case as it had a number of unique challenges which had to be overcome. The list below provides an overview of just a few of these: 

- Maynooth has been identified by the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) as one of three Metropolitan Key towns where up to 20% of the target growth in Dublin city can be transferred to these settlements (National Policy Objective 68). This translates to a potential population growth of 10,000 on top of the assigned County Development Plan growth figures for the town 
- Maynooth University has plans to grow its student population substantially in the coming years 
- Maynooth has been chosen as the Decarbonisation Zone for Co. Kildare 
- Maynooth borders with Co. Meath to the north-east. The Meath County Development Plan had previously identified an area just north of Maynooth for development, the Moygaddy area. This area is too far from Maynooth to be considered a sustainable transport area yet had to be included in the future growth for the Maynooth Environs


The key to the MEABTA was to consider it as a puzzle to be solved, with the correct solution being a transport plan which guides Maynooth to a sustainable and green future. Given the challenges listed previously, we had to be creative and ambitious, particularly given that Maynooth is a Decarbonisation Zone. To this end, a number of innovative solutions were employed to solve the "puzzle". 

Firstly,  a bespoke method for determining the relative advantages of developing certain areas of land over others was developed. This gave a solid, evidence-based process to guide land-use planning into the future. Variables such as distance to current or future public transport, alignment with national and local policy and potential to encourage shorter trips and increase modal shift were considered.  

Powerful tools were developed to provide data on what transport interventions were beneficial to the town. These included a strategic traffic model using software VISUM, a more focused, micro-simulation model using VISSIM and ArcGIS analysis of the benefits of proposed permeability links.  

An extensive future walking and cycling network was designed with strong links to future development areas in the town. This includes the Moygaddy area north of Maynooth. This will mitigate the potential negative car-centric impacts of this development. 

SMART transport measures were incorporated into the ABTA where possible, for example: 
- Development of a parking app which will direct people to free parking spaces 
- Bus priority at signalised junctions which would recognise a bus approaching and give the bus a green light 

Finally, a dedicated decarbonisation report was completed for Maynooth. This looked at a varied range of potential measures to decarbonise transport in the town. This included forward thinking solutions such as car free developments, car sharing hubs within residential areas and electric bike / scooter renting schemes. 


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
1 to 2 years

Service providers

Department of Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces in Kildare Co. Co is responsible for the monitoring and implementation of the MEABTA transport measures. The Planning Department within Kildare Co. Co. are also involved in ensuring that the MEABTA measures are incorporated into the statutory plans for the town into the future.

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