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Challenge / Goal

The Mobility Innovation Living Lab (The MILL) was developed as an innovation centre to make Dundee a global test bed for advanced transport technologies and services. The MILL is run by Urban Foresight on behalf of Dundee City Council. 
Smart Mobility innovations developed via The MILL aim to reduce the environmental impacts of transport and improve access to employment and services, delivering positive change to help create better quality of life for citizens. By developing a sustainable transport system, The MILL will provide greater efficiencies for residents and businesses, attract new infrastructure investment - creating economic opportunities that will make Dundee more competitive.  

The first wave of projects to be run through The MILL were part-funded via the ‘Scotland’s 8th City – the Smart City’ ERDF programme and were called ShareMORE (Shared Mobility and Resource Efficiency) projects. They commenced in 2019 and continued until March 2022.


The ShareMORE project delivered a series of mobility innovation pilots that fit within  Dundee’s smart mobility living lab concept – The MILL (Mobility Innovation Living Lab).

These projects are collectively known as ShareMORE (Shared Mobility and Resource Efficiency) and have delivered demonstration level investments in Dundee that promote shared use of vehicles and public mobility assets for citizen and corporate fleet managers alike.
With support via ERDF grant, Dundee was able to offer a number of Smart Mobility procurements and companies/organisations were invited to propose projects in relation to one or more of four thematic areas:

  • Advanced mobility services for the public
  • Advanced fleet services
  • Advanced parking services
  • Advanced use of urban data

The aim of ShareMORE was to develop and test new technologies, services or business models for deployment in Dundee but also scalable to other cities. Solutions were sought with demonstrable economic, environmental and social improvements to the city. The introduction of a public eBike hire scheme also benefited from coming under the ShareMORE framework and governance, although it was not directly funded as part of the 8th City programme.

Data derived from the ShareMORE pilots and ongoing project delivery will be made available for Smart Mobility innovation with some available as open data via the Dundee Open Data Platform (also funded via the 8th City programme).
The ShareMORE projects were managed through The MILL via a living laboratory framework - this supports companies with innovative products at advanced stages of development that can be tested in live environments. The MILL has supported the projects through enabling co-creation with users, brokering access to city infrastructure, data and operations, and supporting the development of sustainable commercial propositions. 


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
2 to 5 years


Dundee City Council

Service providers

Dundee City Council

End users

Dundee City Council (DCC) and Project Partners

    Main benefits
  • Improving public transport accessibility

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