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Challenge / Goal

The main challenge of the project is to address the low level of public transport provision and usage in rural areas, which leads to social exclusion, car dependency, and environmental issues. The goal is to create a more inclusive and sustainable mobility system that meets the diverse needs of rural communities and supports local development.


 The solution is to create a user-centric and integrated mobility platform that connects different types of services and modes of transport in rural areas. The platform enables users to access information, plan their journeys, book their seats, and pay for their trips using a single app or website. The platform also facilitates the coordination and optimization of service delivery among different providers and stakeholders. Additionally, the project supports the creation of mobility hubs, where users can access various modes of transport, such as buses, e-bikes, car-sharing, and taxis, and switch between them easily.


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Time period

Planning time
2 to 5 years

Service providers

Transport for Ireland, Local Link, National Transport Authority

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