As part of the implementation of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region and our Regional Policy Objectives for Sustainable Mobility and Quality of Life, the Southern Regional Assembly partnered with the Interreg Europe Project MATCH-UP and ARUP to develop our 10 Minute Town Framework Report.

The concept promotes permeable mobility in towns where access to essential services (such as education, retail, leisure, health) can be achieved within a 15-10 minute walk/cycle or public transport connection from people’s homes. The concept can be looked at across city neighbourhoods and towns of different scale. It encourages interchange between active travel and public transport services to meet most of our daily travel needs. The concept has been adopted in City and County Development Plans across the Region and is a complement to Local Transport Planning, Metropolitan Transport Strategies and the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan.

The framework report provides a step-by-step methodology and good practice references on how to plan and implement a 10-15 minute town concept through a pilot mapping exercise on 3 Key Towns in our Region (Carlow, Ennis & Tralee).

The report and further information of the project can be found at: