Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for Transport, has published for public consultation a draft Strategy 'Moving Together: A Strategic Approach to the Improved Efficiency of the Transport System in Ireland’ along with a draft Implementation Plan.

Moving Together has been developed to make our transport system more efficient and to alleviate the impacts of car-dependency and congestion on the economy, the environment and the health of our society.

In line with binding sectoral targets under the Climate Action and Low-Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021, the transport sector must cut its emissions by 50% (relative to 2018 levels) by 2030. To achieve this target, Government is supporting a large-scale transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs), higher penetration levels of biofuels in the fuel mix and unprecedented investment in public and active travel infrastructure. However, these measures alone will not deliver the emissions reduction required for the transport sector, nor do they address issues relating to congestion and the associated costs of inefficient journeys to our society and the economy.

Accordingly, this Strategy is the final key policy component in the decarbonisation pathway for the Transport Sector as outlined in the Climate Action Plan (23/24).

The Department of Transport convened a cross departmental/multi-agency steering group to oversee the development of the draft Strategy. Six sub-groups were also established comprising a diverse range of national and international experts from government, industry, representative bodies, and academia, among others to consider areas of particular focus and to prepare related reports, which helped to inform the development of the Strategy. These reports have been published for information alongside the draft Strategy and Implementation Plan.