Dún Laoghaire's 'Living Streets' scheme, designed to enhance pedestrian and cycle access while limiting vehicle traffic, has been greenlit by council members after extensive deliberation, culminating in a vote of 30 to 7 in favour following after a marathon council meeting that stretched past 2 AM. This €20 million project includes specific interventions such as the installation of modal filters on Tivoli Road, Cross Avenue, and Clarinda Park West, as well as the pedestrianisation of parts of George’s Street Lower, Sussex Street, and Convent Road.

Critics of the plan raised concerns about potential negative impacts on local businesses, the scheme's accessibility for people with disabilities, and the potential for increased traffic on adjacent roads. In response to these challenges, amendments were made to incorporate an independent review covering traffic levels, economic, environmental and other impacts, two years post-implementation.

The scheme's approval reflects a significant commitment to reshaping urban mobility in Dún Laoghaire, earmarking €9.8 million of the total budget for construction costs, with the remainder allocated to staffing and contingency plans. This initiative underscores the complexities of urban transformation projects, particularly the need to balance improvements in public space accessibility with economic sustainability and inclusivity concerns.

Read more about the project and public response here.