This video showcases the Evolution of a Safe Routes to School lifecycle which will be divided into three parts. 

Part One showcases the application stage and the planning and consultation involved in a SRTS application
Part Two showcases the Implementation and roll-out of SRTS infrastructure.

It feature’s anecdotes, first-hand personal accounts and testimonials and positive feedback from School Principals, parents, pupils and teachers.

The first 5 minutes :44 seconds shows 

  • Scoil Mhuire Tullamore, and the Application Stage .  from 0:00 to 1:54
  • Scoil Mhuire Rosslare    (Implementation stage )  from 1:54 to 3:56
  • Gaelscoil Sáirseál Limerick (Implementation Stage)  from 3:56 through to the end of the video (5.44) 

The Lifecycle of a Safe Routes To School Scheme (


Further details: