The overwhelming majority of people who decide to make greater use of use public transport and cycle more often are happy with their choices, a survey for the Department of Transport has revealed. Many would like to go further in changing how they travel.

The second survey of public attitudes towards sustainable mobility, carried out by Red C Research, reveals that 87pc of respondents who stepped up their use of public transport in the six months to February of this year were satisfied with their decision. 

An even more positive picture emerges in relation to cycling, with no less than 89pc of those who used bikes more often saying they were pleased with the outcome. 

More than a third of those either cycling or using public transport more often said they would like to make further changes to their travel.  

Meanwhile, 93pc of respondents were aware of Government initiatives to facilitate and encourage cycling, walking and public transport.

However, the survey also reveals that while two-thirds of the Irish public recognise the importance of Ireland reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, there persists an ‘awareness-intention gap’ in terms of the public’s willingness to make personal lifestyle changes, notably in relation to reducing car use.

First survey

In 2023, the Department of Transport engaged Red C to carry out a series of surveys of public opinion towards sustainable mobility over the course of two years, using a representative sample of 2,000 adults from across the country. 

The results have fed into the Department’s communications in support of sustainable mobility, including the Your Journey Counts advertising campaign. Some key findings from the first survey are summarised in the graphic below.

The Department of Transport will share the results of the second survey with key stakeholders in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, a summary of the findings of the first survey is available from; the data can also be broken down by local authority area.

The third survey of public attitudes towards sustainable mobility will be carried out by Red C in the second half of the year, with more to follow in 2025.