UN-Habitat has put out a call for case studies demonstrating climate actions in cities for the Annex of the World Cities Report 2024 to be submitted by 28 March!

The World Cities Report (WCR) 2024 aims to enhance understanding of how cities and human settlements can significantly contribute to combating climate change, in line with the Paris Agreement's goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. The report will focus on urban climate actions integral to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 and that are supported by partnerships as outlined in SDG 17. 30 case studies will be selected from around the world within the categories of adaptation to climate-related hazards, urban design and planning for sustainable cities, multilevel governance for climate action, sectoral interventions and resilient infrastructure, building the resilience of vulnerable urban populations, innovation for inclusive climate actions, and financing interventions for climate change in cities.

The objective of the Annex is to provide city-level decision-makers and stakeholders with a collection of effective climate action strategies to enhance urban resilience and contribute to reducing climate change impacts. The intended impact is to increase knowledge on implementing climate actions in alignment with the New Urban Agenda, National Determined Contributions (NDCs), and Agenda 2030, boosting urban resilience through the dissemination of best practices and success factors.

The SSMA team is happy to support submitting applications for smart and sustainable mobility use cases to be added to this report. If you would like to submit your case, please fully fill out the use case template on the Sustainable Mobility Academy platform and we can move the case forward from there. 

For more information, check out the Call for case studies. If you have any questions about uploading your use case, please read our Platform User Guide or reach out to sma@bable-smartcities.eu!