EUR 7 Billion Funding for European Transport Infrastructure

Deadline: 30th January 2024

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF 2021) Offers EUR 7 Billion for Sustainable Transport Projects

Europe is investing EUR 7 billion in projects that aim to revolutionize its transport infrastructure. Under the 2023 CEF Transport calls for proposals, the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency is offering funding to projects that will enhance the sustainability and connectivity of the European transport network.

Why It Matters

This funding aligns with the European Green Deal's goal of reducing transport emissions by 90% by 2050. It supports the vision of a smart, resilient, and interconnected European transport system, benefiting both passengers and freight.

What's Included

Projects in various areas, including railways, inland waterways, ports, road safety, multimodal logistics, smart applications, and infrastructure resilience, are eligible for funding.

Deadline Approaching

Don't miss out! The application deadline is 30th January 2024. Shape the future of European transport – apply now!

2023 CEF Transport Calls for proposals (